The independent parliamentary candidate for the Builsa North constituency has again demonstrated how dedicated and committed he is to serving the people of Buluk if given the opportunity to serve as the MP for the constituency.
As part of the fight against this deadly disease outbreak called Coronavirus ( Covid 19), Hon. Gibson Anuegabey Simon( GAS) has indeed shown his love to the people of Buluk by going round to educate or sensitize the people about the possible ways to stay away from this pandemic. In fact, he has been to many communities within the Builsa North district for this purpose.
On the 19th day in the month of March 2020, he went round to donate the following as follows;
1. 6 cakes of soap to Radio Builsa
2. 108 cakes of soap to people living with Disabilities( PWDs) in the Builsa North.
3. 12 cakes of soap and rubber bucket to Sandema /district hospital.
4. 12 cakes of soap and one rubber bucket also to St. Lucas Hospital ( Wiaga).
According to him, he is ever ready to support his constituency in every ways as possible to combat against Coronavirus and restore back the liberty and social rights the people used to enjoy before this wicked and deadly disease called Coronavirus was confirmed in our country.
" I Simon Anuegabey Gibson ( the farmer's son), will continue to show my hidden love to my people in terms of difficulties like this. I'm ever ready to supporting my people to fight against this deadly disease called Coronavirus with all possible means at my disposal".
He therefore, advised that, people learn to stay home if there are not really doing anything beneficial outside to prevent the spread since Upper East has recorded a case.
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